
Lemon Spa

Video guide setting widget for Lemonspa

Video guide setting memu mobile for Lemonspa

Change Image title Bar We have 2 place setting for this.One foreach page http://prntscr.com/cbq5k9And one on theme options themehttp://prntscr.com/cbq6qaPlease check and try with this !!!

Setting enable / disable style selector Please see the instructions in the image below. + Click Appearance --> Theme option --> General. Please see: http://prntscr.com/ijr8kj

Error Paralax not working This problem maybe confilg with some javascript. So just go to this filewp-contentpluginsbears_shortcodesassetsjsjquery.bears-shortcodes.jsremove line 231 like this http://prntscr.com/ctm815