
Alone Theme

Setting payment done Manual with plugin TBdonation 1. http://prntscr.com/ds532i 2. http://prntscr.com/ds539c 3. http://prntscr.com/ds53jz 4. http://prntscr.com/ds53n5 5. http://prntscr.com/ds53sx

Error Paralax not working This problem maybe confilg with some javascript. So just go to this filewp-contentpluginsbears_shortcodesassetsjsjquery.bears-shortcodes.jsremove line 231 like this http://prntscr.com/ctm815

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted It’s very common to get fatal error messages about memory; ‘Fatal Error : Memory Size Exhausted’. This can happen when you install themes, plugins or upgrade to the latest WordPress version. Such types of problems arise ...

I can't install theme - Stylesheet is missing If you have download the full package you need to first extract the file  you've downloaded from ThemeForest, the theme is inside of it along  with documentation, license, and other files. You need to upload only  theme ...

Change Image title Bar We have 2 place setting for this.One foreach page http://prntscr.com/cbq5k9And one on theme options themehttp://prntscr.com/cbq6qaPlease check and try with this !!!

Guide import demo Alone5

Can't change color on theme option When you try to change color on theme options but it not working on front-end. Don't worries about it.Just you need enable LESS CSS on designer .

Change Logo mobile popup of Alone7 Please see the image instructions here Thanks.

How to fix Elementor loading problem - Update Memory_limit by adding the following code in wp-config.phpini_set('max_execution_time', 1500);define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '350M');- Or update this parameter via hosting.

Setting Mobile Menu Alone5

Instructions for setting header and footer for the entire website Setting the header and footer for the entire website here. Similar footer settings.